Depression + Postpartum


Depression is on the rise in our society and so many people struggle with it.

You are not alone.

Many of us go through difficult life experiences or traumas and somewhere along the way we slowly disconnect to our true selves.

Sometimes you may wonder “Am I depressed?” because from the outside it feels like you are getting by and keeping it together- stable job, good friends and family, hobbies etc., however your engine is slowing down and there’s no energy left. You may put on a mask and smile to the outside world, but are suffering on the inside.

Common symptoms of depression include:

Persistent sadness

Loss of interest or pleasure

Fatigue or low energy

Sleep difficulties (sleeping more or less than usual)

Irritable or agitated

Trouble concentrating

Feelings of worthlessness

Feelings of guilt, shame, or self-blame

Feelings of hopelessness

Physical aches or pains

Self-harming thoughts or behaviors

Suicidal thoughts

Feelings of loneliness and isolation

It’s important to note that the symptoms above can vary in intensity and duration and not everyone will experience all these symptoms. These can be signals that depression may be present.

Postpartum Depression

Are you feeling persistently sad, guilty, or finding it challenging to connect with your baby?

For many new mothers, navigating the transition into motherhood can be tough. It's common to encounter unexpected hurdles as you establish a new rhythm. With postpartum depression, you might experience feelings of low mood, frequent crying, or a sense of worthlessness as a new parent. Difficulties in bonding with your baby, irritability, anger, or loneliness may also be present.

Postpartum depression can emerge within the first few months after childbirth, but it can also develop gradually over time. It's often similar to a more prolonged and intense version of the "baby blues." Various factors contribute to postpartum depression, including hormonal shifts, sleep deprivation, emotional adjustments stemming from new routines and relationship dynamics, previous mental health issues, and environmental stressors like lack of social support, financial strain, or complications during pregnancy.

Therapy offers valuable support in navigating the complex emotions of new motherhood. You will receive emotional support, guidance, and effective coping strategies. Remember, you don't have to navigate the challenges of motherhood alone!